Worlds of Music Chicago

14 Jul 2016
Opened by the former manager of Andy’s Music, Worlds of Music Chicago is the city’s only retail world music shop open 7 days a week. We sell musical instruments from all over the globe. Drums, strings, flutes, bells, gongs and more from India, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, South America. Djembes, doumbeks, ouds, sitars, native American flutes, bodhrans, riq, shakere, rattles, tibetan singing bowls, didgiridoo, tank drums, band instruments, violins, ukuleles, guitars, banjos, dulcimers, autoharp, washboard, bluegrass supplies, and much, much more. We also repair almost any acoustic instrument.
North Center
4161 N Damen Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
(872) 817-7108
Visit Us Online